Fisher Paykel Dishwasher Maintenance
Making life easier is the main reason that many people decide that they need a dishwasher in their home. Not only is it an efficient way to get the dishes done while doing other tasks as well, but it also turns out it is more cost efficient too. This is a win-win for anyone lucky enough to have a dishwasher in their home kitchen. So how can you make sure that your dishwasher is going above and beyond and cleaning your dishes to a sparkle while at the same time, saving you as much money as possible? These Fisher & Paykel dishwasher maintenance tips will help you to do just that, and it might just make your life easier when all is said and done.
First, you must take the time to go over your routine when you get ready to load up your dishwasher for a wash. The first thing you probably do is make sure that there is no food stuck to your dishes. This is not something that would be on the list of Fisher Paykel dishwasher maintenance tips. The reason for this is that there is no need to take all that time to rinse all of your dishes when the dishwasher detergent is made to dissolve the food that is cleaned off in the dishwasher. Skip the rinse unless there is a large amount of stuck on food on each dish.
Don’t Overload Your Dishwasher
It is also very important that you do not load too many dishes at a time into the dishwasher. If any dishes are blocked from the water spray, they will not get clean along with the others. Wash two separate loads if you have to, but please don’t fill up the dishwasher so full that you will need to run the same load in there twice. That is not time or energy efficient. And if you think your dishwasher is taking too long to heat up, consider this next item on the list of Fisher Paykel dishwasher maintenance tips.
Once you have your dishes all loaded up into your dishwasher, make sure you turn on the hot water on your faucet before you start the load. If your dishwasher has hot water flowing into it, it will not need to waste time or energy heating up the water with its heating element. Let the water heater do the work; it should already have hot water ready to go, so don’t let it go to waste. But there is one more thing that will make sure you are running your dishwasher correctly that has made the list of Fisher Paykel dishwasher maintenance tips.
Always be aware of how much detergent you are using in your dishwasher. Not using enough might mean your dishes are not getting clean, but if you use too much, you are spending more money on soap than you should, and you run the risk of scratching up the glass you put into a load of dishes. If you want to save the headache of trying to figure out how much to use, consider using premeasured pods. This may just end up being one of your favorite Fisher Paykel dishwasher maintenance tips. If you still need dishwasher repair services give us a call.